• These Website Terms and Conditions (Terms and Conditions), which include any Policies on Rage’s website (“we”, “use” and “our”), apply to the ordering, sale and delivery of goods and services, access to the information and use of the Rage Website by Customers (“you”, or “your”).
  • By using the Rage Website, you are bound by, and agree to, these Terms and Conditions, which we may change without notice from time to time. If you do not agree to any of the Terms and Conditions, you should not continue to use the Website.
  • If you chose to create an online user profile, this would serve as consent to and acceptance of our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy
  • These Terms and Conditions are important and should be carefully noted as they contain provisions which, within the limits of the Consumer Protection Act, may limit Rage’s risk or liability, create risk or liability for you as a consumer, may compel you to indemnity Rage and serves as an acknowledgement by you of any fact.

Should you not understand any of the contents of these Terms and Conditions, you are advised to contact Rage to assist with further explanation of the Terms and Conditions before accepting them.


  • “Call Centre” means our customer call centre, telephone number +27 (0)11 608 6800, or when making use of the live chat function on our website or contacting
  • "Customer” means any natural or juristic person who enters or intends to enter into an electronic transaction with Rage as the user of the goods or services offered by Rage.
  •  “Items” means the Product/s selected by the Consumer for purchase when placing an Order on the Rage Website. 
  • “Order” means the collection of Items purchased by you from our website
  • "Policies" means the various Rage policies contained in or referred to herein and on the Rage Website, including product information, which form part of these Terms and Conditions, and which may be updated from time to time without notice.
  • "Products" means all products or services displayed for sale on our website, including but not limited to clothing, shoes, perfumes, handbags, and delivery. 
  • “Website” means the Rage Website and online store, which can be accessed at 

“Working Days” means between 08h00 and 17h00 Monday to Friday, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and statutory public holidays in the Republic of South Africa


  • Insofar as this, these Terms and Conditions fall within the ambit of the Act, the following information is made available to you in respect of the supply of goods and/or services offered for sale, by way of an electronic transaction:
  • Our contact details are set out below in clause 21. 
  • Goods and/or Services: The goods and/or services provided through the Rage Website are various services which enable you to give instructions to us. 
  • Complaints and Disputes:
    • If you have a complaint about the goods or services provided by us or require information regarding our internal complaints-handling process, please contact our call centre on +27 (0)11 608 6800 or via email at
    • As provided for in section 42(2)(a) of the Act, you acknowledge and agree that Section 44 of the Act (the Cooling-off period) does not apply to transactions concluded by means of the Website.


  • Rage is active on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and other social media platforms from time to time (“Social Media Platforms”)
  • You agree to use the Website for lawful purposes only. Without derogating from the generality of the foregoing, if you should choose to access or use the Rage Website from locations other than the Republic of South Africa, you do so at your own initiative and you are responsible for compliance with applicable local laws. 
  • You are prohibited from posting or transmitting, by means of reviews, comments, suggestions, ideas, questions or other information through the Website and Social Media Platforms, any content which is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, sexually-explicit, profane or hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable content of any kind, which content includes but is not limited to:
    • any content that may fall within the scope of Section 9 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, which prohibits discrimination on the grounds of, inter alia, race, sex, gender, marital status, religion; or
    • any content that encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offence or give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any applicable local, provincial, national, or international law; or 
    • any content that constitutes an invasion of privacy; or 
    • any content that is an infringement of any intellectual property right; or 
    • any content that contains software viruses; or 
    • any content that constitutes a political statement, commercial solicitation, or "Spam
  • Although we do not purport to review (nor are we under any obligation to review) any submitted content, we reserve the right to remove any content from the Website and Social Media Platforms where we deem such content, in its sole and absolute discretion, to be an infringement of Clause 4 or harmful in any way whatsoever. Should you place on or submit to the Website or Social Media Platforms any such harmful content, or should you breach any clause in these Terms and Conditions, we may immediately terminate and/or suspend your access to all or parts of the Website or Social Medial Platforms, without any further notice to you. 
  • The following activities on or through the Website and Social Media Platforms are expressly prohibited:
    • any non-personal or commercial use of any robot, spider, other automatic device or technology, or manual process to monitor or copy portions of the Website or Social Media Platforms or the content contained thereon, without the prior written authority of Rage; and 
    • the collection or use of any listings, descriptions, and/or price lists from the Website or Social Media Platforms for the benefit of a competing merchant that supplies products comparable to those offered on the Website; and
    • any use or action that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load of traffic on the Website or Social Media Platforms, or otherwise interferes with the proper and timely functioning of the Website of Social Media Platforms;
    • any attempt to gain unauthorised access to the Website or its related systems or networks.
    • accessing the Website for purposes of monitoring its availability, performance, or functionality, or for any other benchmarking or competitive purpose; and’
    • the reverse engineering or decompiling of the Website to (without limitation) (i) build a competitive product or service; (ii) build a product using similar ideas, features, functions or graphics of the Service; (iii) copy any ideas, features, functions or graphics of the Website.
  • When you register a user account on the Website, you will be required to provide certain access details, including a username and a password. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of your Username and Password for access to the Website and you accept full liability for all activities that occur on or involves the Website under your Username. You may not:
    • allow other people to use your Username and Password;
    • impersonate another User or any third party; or
    • provide false information to gain access to the Website
  • You also warrant your identity (in other words, you are who you say who you are), and that you can prove your identity should we require you to do so
  • Although reasonable steps have been taken to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the contents, data and information on the Rage Website, there may be instances where such information proves inaccurate or incomplete. Before making any decision or taking any action which might affect you, you should take all reasonable steps to ensure and verify the accuracy of the contents, data and information obtained from the Rage Website, especially if certain information appears to be inaccurate, particularly product pricing and promotional content.
  • Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Rage Website could include technical, typographical, or other inaccuracies and you are urged to contact your own professional advisors to confirm all information contained on the Rage Website prior to placing reliance thereon. Changes are periodically made to the information herein and these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the Rage Website.


Clothing, shoes, and/or accessories may only be returned to a Rage store that carries that respective merchandise


    • Merchandise purchased in store must be returned within 7 days of purchase, accompanied by an original Rage till slip as proof of purchase in order to qualify for a refund.
    • Merchandise purchased on our website must be returned in store only, within 7 days of delivery, accompanied by the delivery note and the original Rage invoice as proof of purchase, in order to qualify for a refund.
    • Should an account customer require a refund however they do not have an original Rage till slip, they may request an account query.
    • Merchandise must be unworn, in its original condition (price tags attached to merchandise) and must be in its original packaging. No exceptions.
    • Merchandise will be inspected to confirm that it is in its original condition, original packaging and is unworn with price tags attached. 
    • No refunds on merchandise purchased on Sale or Promotion. 
    • No refunds will be processed on earrings due to hygiene reasons. 
    • Original payment method used at the time of purchase will be used to process your refunds. 
    • No refunds will be processed during power failures.
    • No refunds will be processed in the event of the Rage operating system being offline.


    • Merchandise purchased on our website must be exchanged in store only, within 30 days of delivery, accompanied by the signed delivery note and the original Rage tax invoice as proof of purchase, in order to qualify for an exchange. Note: Delivery costs are not included when processing exchanges. 
    • Merchandise purchased on Sale or Promotion may be exchanged only within 30 days of purchase, accompanied by an original Rage till slip as proof of purchase in order to qualify for an exchange.
    • Should an account customer require an exchange however they do not have their original Rage till slip, they may request an account query. 
    • Merchandise must be unworn, in its original condition (price tags attached to merchandise) and must be in its original packaging. No exceptions. 
    • Merchandise will be inspected to confirm that it is in its original condition, original packaging and is unworn with price tags attached. 
    • No exchanges will be processed on earrings due to hygiene reasons. 
    • Should there be a difference in price between the original and exchanged item/s, the original method of payment or a Rage gift card may be used to issue the difference in change. 
    • No exchanges will be processed during power failures. 
    • No exchanges will be processed in the event of the Rage operating system being offline. 


    •  if the damaged merchandise is returned within 7 days of purchase a full cash/account refund may be given
    • If the damaged merchandise is returned after 7 days and within the 6-month period of purchase an exchange can be made
    • Damaged merchandise refers to merchandise that is defective, not as a result, of fair use, damaged by abuse or negligence (exposure to chemicals, caustic substances, open flame, high heat, sharp objects etc.) or damaged by misuse or activities other than the intended purpose
    • Should any merchandise purchased in store be damaged, this merchandise may be returned, for an exchange, within 6 months of the purchase date. Subject to producing proof of purchase in the form of an original Rage till slip and subject to the outcome of an internal quality assessment. 
    • Should any merchandise purchased on our website be damaged, this merchandise may be returned in store only, for an exchange, within 6 months of the delivery date. Subject to producing the original Rage tax invoice as proof of purchase, the signed delivery notes and subject to the outcome of an internal quality assessment.
    •  Once a quality assessment has been performed and if authorized, the damaged merchandise can be exchanged for the same merchandise (replacement) or for different merchandise. 
    • Returns on the damaged merchandise can only be done in the following two ways:
    • Damaged merchandise sold in store at already discounted prices will not be eligible for a return.
    • Qualifying damaged Sale or Promotional merchandise will be refunded or credited (Rage gift card or Rage account) for the rand value at the time of purchase. 
    • Should there be a difference in price between the original item purchased and exchanged item/s, the original method of payment or a Rage gift card may be used to issue the difference in change. 
    • For qualifying returns, a gift card may be offered instead of an exchange. This is for cash customers ONLY and excludes account purchases. 
    • No exchanges/refunds on damaged merchandise will be processed during power failures. 
    • No exchanges/refunds on damaged merchandise will be processed in the event of the Rage operating system being offline

    • Due to high demand during events like Black Friday and other promotional sales, please be aware that processing and shipping times may be slightly longer than usual. We’re working hard to get your order to you as quickly as possible, but kindly allow some extra time for packing and delivery.



  • After completing checkout, you'll receive an email confirming your order.
  • Next, you'll get an SMS confirming that your order is being processed—be sure to keep the transaction number for any exchanges or refunds at Rage stores.
  • Once your order is dispatched, our courier will notify you via SMS



  • You may cancel your order prior to us sending you the order shipping notification. Should you cancel an order after we have sent out the order shipping notification a shipping fee will be deducted from your refund.



  • Once the order has been delivered, the risk in and to the products will pass to you as the Customer



  •  We may alter and/or amend the Rage Website at any time without giving notice to you,
  • We may suspend or terminate the Rage Website at any time without giving notice to you. 
  • We may terminate your account at any time for any reason, including any improper use of the Rage Website or your failure to comply with any provision of these Terms and Conditions.
  • Such termination shall not affect any right or remedy to relief to which Rage may be entitled.
  • Upon termination of the Rage Website or your account, all rights granted to you will terminate and revert to Rage.
  • Rage may at any time modify these Terms and Conditions without notice to you. If you are not satisfied with the amended Terms and Conditions, you should refrain from using the Rage Website, as your continued use of the Rage Website is deemed to constitute your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions as amended and in force at the time of your use. 
  • We accordingly advise you to read and take note of these Terms and Conditions each and every time you visit the Website, as they may have been modified since your last visit. You shall be deemed to have read and accepted the latest version of the Terms and Conditions available on the Rage Website whenever you visit the Website.



  • Rage takes responsibility for all aspects relating to the transaction including sale of goods and services sold on this website, customer service and support, dispute resolution, and delivery of goods.
  • The Products supplied by us shall be suitable only for the purpose designed and intended and you shall ensure the Products are handled, stored, installed, used, worn or otherwise dealt with in a normal and reasonable manner, and where applicable, in a manner consistent with the instructions given when the Products were purchased.
  • We shall not be liable for any action or claims for injury or damages of whatever nature arising from or in connection with use of the Products in breach of these Terms and Conditions.



  • Customers are required to bring physical proof of the Rage voucher, in the form of an SMS or email, to a Rage store, in order to redeem their voucher
  • The voucher is only valid for four (4) weeks upon voucher being sent from any Rage communication platform, or according to the date specified on the voucher communication and may no longer be used once expired. 
  • The minimum purchase value must be equivalent to the voucher value.
  • The voucher may not be exchanged for cash. 
  • The voucher is non-refundable. 
  • The voucher may only be redeemed once. 
  • The voucher may not be redeemed on jewellery items. 
  • The voucher may be redeemed when purchasing any shoe, clothing, or handbag item in the store, including marked down, sale and promotional items. 
  • Vouchers may not be used on the Rage Website.
  • Only one voucher may be redeemed per sale/invoice.




      • The items selected for the 25% off promotion are selected at Rage’s sole discretion. 
      • Customers can visit the Rage Website to view the items selected for the 25% off promotion and use the “FIND IN STORE” function to find the item at their preferred Rage store. Stock availability indicated on the Rage Website is based on the end of the previous day’s stock records. Stock moves fast and therefore customers are advised to contact their preferred Rage store beforehand to confirm whether the style is available. Rage does not “hold” or keep stock aside for any customer intending to purchase the item at a later stage. 
      • The 25% off promotion applies to cash/debit/credit card purchases as well as purchases made using the Rage Account credit facility. 
      • Rage reserves the right to extend or reduce the duration of the 25% off promotion at its own discretion and without notice.



  • The duration of the 20% off discount will be for one day only, starting from the time the particular Rage store opens for trade until the Rage store ends trading on that same day
  • The 20% off discount, on the particular day advertised, applies to cash/debit/credit card purchases ONLY.
  • The 20% off discount, on the particular day advertised, does NOT apply to any purchases made on the Rage account credit facility. If the Rage account cardholder purchases items using the credit facility on his/her Rage account, the 20% discount will NOT apply and therefore he/she will pay for the item(s) at the price that it is marked at. 
  • In order for a Rage account cardholder to receive the 20% off discount, on the particular day advertised, he/she must use cash/debit/credit card as the means of payment for the item(s).
  • Gift Cards do not apply, therefore a customer will not receive the 20% off discount, on the particular day advertised, if they choose to redeem a Rage Gift Card as the means of payment for the item(s).
  • Loyalty points do not apply, therefore a customer will not receive the 20% off discount, on the particular day advertised, if they choose to redeem their Rage “cash reward points” as the means of payment for the item(s).



If a Rage customer makes a cash/EFT/account purchase and or cash/EFT/ account payment but does not receive a Rage receipt, they are entitled to their money back for the specific purchase/account payment made subject to the following terms and conditions:

  • It is the responsibility of the Rage staff in the store to ensure the customer receives a receipt for any cash/EFT/account purchase and or cash/EFT/account payment. The monies will not be refunded to the customer if, the reason for no receipt given, is due to any/all of the following: 
  • Loss or damage of Rage equipment 
  • Power failure in the store:
    • Technical problems experienced with Rage hardware or software.
    • The monies will be refunded to the customer if there is proof that fraud has been committed. 
    • The monies will be refunded to the customer only once all information and facts have been considered and verified. 
    • The customer may be required to provide photographic evidence of the purchase made, i.e. image of product purchased.
    • Customers are required to inform Rage via SMS on 30547 while the customer is still in the Rage store where the purchase was made, no claims will be accepted if made at another Rage store where the purchase was not made.



  • Whilst every attempt is taken by Rage to ensure your security when making use of the Rage Website, due to the nature of the Internet we are unable to guarantee that any products and services or any websites accessible via the Rage Website will be uninterrupted or virus or error-free. We therefore caution you to check all emails, attachments, and files before downloading them
  • We may provide links to other websites, social media sites or resources. We are unable to accept, and do not accept, responsibility for these websites, social media sites or resources; nor have we endorsed their content, products, or services merely because they are accessible via the Rage Website.
  • While we make all reasonable efforts to ensure that all information provided by us in connection with the Rage Website is accurate at the time of its inclusion on the Website, you acknowledge and understand that there may be errors, including incorrect prices, inaccuracies or omissions in respect of which we exclude all liability. We make no representations, guarantees or warranties of any nature whatsoever concerning the information included on the Rage Website and web pages (including, but not limited to, links to third parties' web pages). You shall be solely responsible for any decisions or actions you take based on the information contained on such web pages
  • While we take all reasonable steps to safeguard the security of any information you input or send to us in connection with the Rage Website, by using secure services and encryption technology where we deem appropriate, we accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever, as far as the law allows, for any damages that you may suffer as a result of the breach of the confidentiality of such information.
  • You hereby agree, to as far as the law allows, to indemnify Rage against any loss, claim or damage suffered, or liability sustained by your or any third party acting for you, due to your or their use of the Rage website and/or any thirty party websites linked to our website.
  • We shall not be liable to you in contract, delict (including for negligence) or otherwise: 
    • for any amount in respect of any damage or loss arising from the consequences of your use of the Rage Website, viruses received by you via the Website or of our failure to provide the Website in accordance with this Agreement; or
    • for any economic losses or damages, any indirect, special, or consequential loss (including (without limitation) loss of data, goodwill or reputation or any wasted expenditure) including but not limited to losses arising from your use of the Rage Website or through any viruses; or 
    • for any failure to perform our obligations or failure to perform our obligations properly as a result of our being prevented from doing so by an event beyond our reasonable control (which may include, without limitation, strikes; labour disputes; acts of God; war; riot; civil action; malicious acts or damage; compliance with any law, governmental or regulatory order, rule, regulation or direction; any act or omission of any government or other competent authority; accident; equipment or services failure, including the unavailability of third party telecommunications services, lines or other equipment; the failure of third party suppliers to comply with their obligations to us; fire; flood or storm).
  • Each provision of this clause 13 operates separately. If any part is held by a court to become unenforceable due to voidness, invalidity, illegality, or unlawfulness, then the other parts shall be severable and shall still apply in their entirety.



Should your application be approved, you will automatically be listed on the Credit Bureau.


    • Only the account holder whose name matches the account number on the account card is authorised to purchase on the account. 
    • Only cards that are signed by the account holder in the space provided will be accepted. 
    • Ownership of the card rests with Rage. The card must be returned on demand. 
    • Purchases may not exceed the available account balance.


    • Rage will send monthly statements via SMS to cardholders. The SMS will indicate the total balance owing on the account, the payment required and the due date for payment. Non-receipt of the SMS will not be caused to withhold payment. Monthly statements are available online at 
    • Payments made must reflect in Rage’s bank account on the due date as per above to avoid further charges as per below.


    • In the event that the account holder chooses to close their account with Rage, an email containing a copy of ID, the account number, as well as the reason for closing the account must be sent to
    • The account holder is required to keep the account card until such time as confirmation of the closure of the account has been received from Rage, after which the card should be destroyed.


    • Rage is entitled to charge a fee and/ or interest as prescribed by the minister in terms of the National Credit Act. 
    • If the payment in respect of purchases is not received by the due date, subject to clause above, interest at a rate determined in accordance with the National Credit Act, and notified to the account holder will, until such receipt, accrue daily on the debit balance from the date of statement on which the purchase first appears. 
    • The liability of the account holder will continue until the account is settled in full and the card is returned to Rage.


    • The account holder must take proper care of the account card and may not allow anyone else to use the card or account. 
    • The account holder must notify Rage of any loss, theft, or misappropriation of use of the card or account by any person other than the account holder immediately after the occurrence of such an event. 
    • Such notification can be made in writing or by contacting Rage customer care. The notification is only valid once Rage has given written confirmation that it has been received. Any delays in notifying Rage will be considered negligence. 
    • If the account holder has been negligent in any way with regards to the card or account, they will be liable for all payments arising from any unauthorized transactions concluded before Rage is reasonably able to act. 
    • Account holders who wish to opt for Lost Card Protection may apply for it, as indicated on the account application form, or apply for this protection in writing at a later stage. 
    • Rage does not issue secondary cards. Each account holder must have their own card.

    • The account holder must raise any account queries in writing within sixty (60) days of the date on the statement to which the query relates. 
    • Rage may, for any reason, and at its own discretion – regardless of the available amount for account purchases – revoke, suspend or reduce the available amount for account purchases. Rage may require the full account balance to be settled immediately and request that the card be returned. The account holder will be liable for any unauthorized use of the revoked account card. Use of a revoked card by an account holder will constitute fraud. 

    • Account holders may not attach any condition to any payment made. Rage is entitled to receive payment as if no such condition was made. 
    • The address given by an account holder on the account application form will be the Domicilium Citandi Et Executandi (“Domicilium”). The account holder may notify Rage of change of Domicilium in writing and such will be effective one week after said notification is received. 
    • Rage is entitled to verify the information contained in the account application form by making enquiries it deems necessary, including enquiries from one or more credit bureaus. 
    • No latitude or indulgence by Rage will be deemed to be a waiver of Rage’s rights under these conditions nor will it create an estoppel against Rage. 
    • The account holder will be liable for expenses incurred by Rage in exercising any right arising out of breach of the account holder’s obligation in terms hereof including legal charges and collection or tracing fees. 
    • Rage will not be liable for any loss or damages suffered by the account holder as a result of any access to any data or as a result of any enquiry made in terms of point 3 above. Rage will use reasonable endeavors to ensure information and data are correct and managed with due care. 
    • The account holder hereby acknowledges and agrees that Rage may perform a credit search on the account holder’s record and monitor their payment record with one or more registered Credit Bureaus when assessing the account holder’s application form. 
    • Rage may record the existence of the account holder’s account with any credit bureau and record and transmit details on how the account holder has performed. 
    • Both parties consent to the jurisdiction of the magistrate’s court. 
    • The agreement will constitute the entire agreement between Rage and the account holder. Neither an amendment of this agreement nor the removal or replacement of an account card will constitute a novation of this agreement. 
    • The account holder must inform Rage in writing if he/she is under an administration order, sequestration, or any other form of insolvency. 
    • The account holder acknowledges that all purchases made with the account card and on the account are with Rage Distribution (Pty) Limited. 
    • The account holder confirms that all the information provided in the account application form is true and correct




    • You earn an immediate 30 bonus points when signing up, which is equivalent to R30.
    • Each point is equivalent to R1, with 3 points being earned for every R100 spent. 
    • You will be awarded 50 bonus points on your birthday. 
    • There will be opportunities to earn double points by means of deals of the week and exciting promotions. 
    • Points are accumulated on every Rand spent, including items on promotion or on sale.

    • Once you hit that 50 points mark you can start redeeming at any Rage store
    • You will need to have your card present to redeem your points.
    • Purchase any Rage, 4Me or XCLSIV item in a Rage Store and swipe your “Rage Rewards” card. 
    • The points will be deducted against the purchase price. 
    •  Remember the more you purchase from Rage stores, the more points you accumulate!

    • Points are accumulated on every Rand spent at a Rage store, this includes all promotions and sale items.
    • 3 Points are earned for every R100 spent. 
    • If the card has not been used within 12 months, all points will be forfeited.
    • Points cannot be exchanged for cash
    • A minimum of 50 points is required before you can redeem against a purchase.
    • The “Rage Rewards” card must be presented with all transactions. 



We, Rage Distribution Pty Ltd. (“Rage,” “we,” or “us”, “our”) are committed to protecting the privacy and security of all your Personal Information or personal data (“PI”) in accordance with the South African Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA). This Policy (“Policy”) explains how we process your PI, which means, in relation to your PI, various activities including collecting, receiving, recording, storing, updating, using, transferring, or erasing. 

This Policy applies to all interactions with us where we process PI including your use of the Rage website or engaging with us telephonically or in person and forms part of the Rage website Terms and Conditions. By visiting or using the Rage website, you agree to the terms of this Policy as updated from time to time. We will let you know of any material changes to the Privacy Policy. 

  • SCOPE:

    • This Policy applies to all data subjects (persons, whether a natural or juristic person, to whom PI relates) (“you,” “your”), whose PI we collect, regardless of the country where you live or work. 
    • This Policy applies to all PI, whether it was provided to us through the Rage Website or through any other form of communications with you such as email, telephone, or otherwise (“Channels”), through or by third parties or tools that collect PI.


    • the transaction you are completing,
    • the reason you are communicating with us and 
    • the Channel used to communicate with us.
    • PI may include your: name, contact information including e-mail address, postal address, physical address, primary and secondary telephone numbers, date of birth; employment history, criminal history, ethnic origin, language, gender, age, financial information (as required by law, relating to financial services and credit products and services), biometric information (in order for us to identify you when you phone us), billing information, additional information which we are required or permitted by applicable legislation to collect and process, as well as information you elect to share publicly, including on social media
    • information that has been made anonymous so that it does not identify a specific person; 
    • permanently de-identified information that does not relate or cannot be traced back to you specifically; and 
    • non-personal statistical information collected and compiled by us.

    • PI means information relating to an identifiable, living, natural person, and where it is applicable, an identifiable, existing juristic person, including: information relating to race, gender, marital status, ethnicity or social origin, age, an identifiable contact number, email address, physical address, telephone number, identification number, location information, online identifier; biometric information; personal preferences, views or opinions; correspondence of a private or confidential nature; and a name if it appears with other PI relating to you or if disclosing your name itself will reveal information about you
    • The PI we collect about you is dependent on:
    • PI excludes: 

    • You must accept all the terms of this Policy when you purchase/order any of our products or, register for, or use the website, or any of our services. By accepting this Policy, you are deemed to have read, understood, accepted, and agreed to be bound by all of its terms
    • Legal capacity: There is no age requirement for engaging with our Channels. However, to the extent required by applicable law, users under the age of 18 years of age must obtain parental or guardian consent. We will afford the same level of protection to all PI processed, regardless of the age of the person the PI pertains to.


    • voluntarily provide us with information when you interact with us, for example when you send us online enquiries, or you subscribeto or consent to receiving newsletters or other communications from us; 
    • browse, visit, or participate in our various Channels; 
    • register an online profile on the Rage Website to purchase our products; 
    • purchase, return, exchange or enquire about products and service from us; 
    • agree to the terms and conditions of credit applications and other products and services that contain 
    • provisions dealing with the use or disclosure of your PI; 
    • make general enquiries, lodge complaints, and communicate with us; 
    • apply for vacancies through our hiring channels by submitting your CV and thereafter should you be 
    • employed as an employee of Rage; 
    • participate in any of our event
    • provide you with more personalised service, communication, and products by better understanding your browsing and purchasing behaviour; 
    • track, count, and analyse website visits and usage data; 
    • understand product preferences and popularity; and 
    • improve the Rage Website and your online shopping experience. 
    • Your internet browser generally accepts cookies automatically, but you can often change this setting to stop accepting them. You can also delete cookies manually. However, no longer accepting cookies or deleting them will prevent you from accessing certain aspects of the Rage Website where cookies are necessary.
    • We collect your PI when you:
    • From time to time, we collect your PI from trusted third parties, in which case we will ensure that you have provided your consent for your PI to be disclosed to us.
    • We do not collect or retain your bank card details used to purchase products. Rage is compliant in terms of PCI DSS. This information is collected by financial institutions that have their own privacy policies. You are advised to never respond to emails that seem to be from us requesting bank card details as this request is most likely fraudulent and should be reported to us immediately. 
    • Cookies: A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer or mobile device when you use it. Cookies hold information such as the identity of the computer or device you used to access our Channels, your server address, domain name, the time and date that you visited our Channels, pages, product and documentation that you accessed or viewed and which internet browser you used. We do this so that we can:
    • Third-party services: We use trusted third-party services including Google Analytics that collect, monitor, and analyse our users’ usage. To prevent your PI from being used by Google Analytics you can install an opt-out browser add-on. 
    • Most web browsers can be adjusted to inform you when a cookie has been sent to you and provide you with the opportunity to refuse that cookie. Refusing a cookie may, in some cases, preclude you from using, or negatively impact, the display or function of the Rage Website or certain areas or features of the Rage Website. 
    • Recording Calls and CCTV: We may monitor and record any telephone calls that occur between Rage and yourself, including any calls to our call centre. We record calls to improve our service delivery, have a recording of your details to update them and or to meet any regulatory requirement. We may also record your movements where we have CCTV systems in our stores, or head office. 


    • provide our goods and services to you;
    • communicate with you regarding new product features, personalized products, services, offers, and events that we think may be of interest to you; 
    • analyze, develop, continually improve, and enhance the use, functionality and performance of the Rage Website, products and services to manage the security of our sites, networks and systems; 
    • comply with applicable laws, including our obligations to make disclosures to authorities, regulators, and government bodies; and 
    • engage in our legitimate business, related interests, and legal purposes, including but not limited to detecting and preventing fraud and conducting our business as a fashion retailer. 
    • We will not use your PI other than for the purpose for which it was provided or collected, and in accordance with our legitimate interests and legal obligations. 
    • Processing includes gathering your personal data, disclosing it as stipulated in the clause below "WHEN WILL WE DISCLOSE YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION", and combining it with other personal information. We collect and process your PI to:
    • Transferring your PI: Your PI will be processed in South Africa where our support centre is located, however certain PI may be transferred to countries outside of South Africa, for example where we make use of cloud-based software services, in which case we will ensure that the necessary security measures are in place relating to the processing and storage of your PI.

    • provide content and services like registration for transactions and customer support, to help detect and prevent potentially illegal acts and violations of our policies;
    • Our service providers and or auditors, if they are required under contract to process it for us or to provide services for or to us, including e-mail service providers, analytics companies, distribution and courier companies, information hosting, communication providers, development and administration, information technology and related infrastructure services, technical support and other support services relating to our legitimate business interests and our contractual obligations to you (our contracts dictate that these service providers only use your information in connection with the goods they supply or services they perform for us and not for their own benefit);
    • Credit bureaus to report account information, as permitted by law;
    • Banking partners as required by credit card association rules for inclusion on their list of terminated merchants (in the event that you utilise the services to receive payments, and you meet their criteria); and 
    • We may provide access to or share some of your PI, when necessary and for the reasons that it was provided or collected, to:
      • other third parties who provide us with relevant services where appropriate.
    • Change of ownership: We may share PI with third parties in the event of a reorganization, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, transfer, or other type of sale of all or any portion of our business, assets, or stock. 
    • Regulators and law enforcement: We may provide access to or share your PI as required by law, court order or other lawful reasons, where we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, protect your safety or the safety of others, investigate fraud, or respond to government requests, including public and government authorities. When we share or provide access to your PI with third parties, they are contractually restricted from using or disclosing your PI except as necessary to perform services on our behalf or to comply with legal requirements. 
    • No selling: We will not sell your PI. No PI will be disclosed to anyone except as provided for in this Policy.

    • We will try to keep the PI we collect as accurate, complete, and up to date as is necessary for the purposes defined in this Policy. From time to time, we may request you to update your PI.


    • retention of the PI is required or authorised by law; order
    • you have consented to the retention of the PI. 
    • We will safely delete or destroy PI which we are no longer required or not permitted to retain, or for which we do not have your consent. 

    • We will keep your PI for different periods of time depending on the use or purpose your PI was provided or collected for, as well as your preferences regarding marketing, recruitment, and other correspondence.
    • We will only keep your PI for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes set out in this Policy, unless: 

    • We take the security of personal data very seriously and always do our best to comply with applicable data protection laws. We secure the integrity and confidentiality of your PI that is in our possession and under our control by taking the appropriate reasonable technical and organisational measures to prevent loss, damage, unauthorised destruction, unlawful access, or unlawful processing of your PI. We authorise access to PI only for those employees who require it to fulfil their job responsibilities. In doing so we have due regard to generally accepted industry information security practices and procedures. 
    • you may enquire from us whether we hold your PI, (we will only provide you with this information when you provide us with adequate proof of your identity); 
    • where necessary, request the correction or deletion of your PI; 
    • object to, restrict or limit the processing of your PI; 
    • object to using your PI for purposes of direct marketing. 
    • You can exercise any of your rights listed above by sending an email to If you want to change your email preferences, you can do so by selecting the preference settings on the most recent email that you received from us. Where we have reasonable doubt as to the identity of the person making an inquiry, we may request additional information to confirm the identity of the person, such as an identity document, including a driver’s licence or passport. 
    • Please note that the above rights are not absolute, and we may be entitled to refuse requests where exceptions apply. Should we determine that you are not entitled to exercise a specific right, we will provide you with the reasons why.
    • Should we have reasonable grounds to believe that your PI has been accessed or acquired by any unauthorized person, we will, as soon as is reasonably possible and lawfully required, notify the applicable regulator, as well as yourself, unless we are unable to establish the identity of the PI that has been unlawfully accessed

    • You have the following rights in respect of your PI that we process: 

    • We are not responsible for, give no warranties, nor make any representations in respect of the privacy policies or practices of linked or any third-party websites. 


    • This privacy Policy is effective as of 1 July 2021. The latest version of our Privacy Policy is always available on the Rage Website. We may need to update or change our Policy from time to time, and we will notify you regarding any material changes to this Policy using the channels that we normally use to communicate. We will also place a notice in a prominent place on the website. Your continued use of the Rage Website, products, and services after you have been notified of any amendments to the Policy will represent your acknowledgment of any changes and your agreement to adhere to the updated Policy.


    • Should you have any concerns relating to our Policy you may submit an email to We will review your concerns and try to resolve any complaint relating to the protection of PI, in this Policy and applicable law. 
    • We will acknowledge your request as required under applicable data protection laws. However, the rights mentioned in this Policy are not absolute: the rights do not always apply, and exemptions may be applicable. We will ask you to verify your identity and/or ask you for information to assist us in better understanding your request. In the event we do not comply with your request, we will explain why.



  • All content included on the Rage Website, such as text, graphics, logos, buttons, icons, images, photographs, audio clips, databases, and software ("the Content"), is the property of Rage or its content suppliers and is protected by South African copyright laws. Furthermore, the compilation (meaning the collection, arrangement, and assembly) of all content on the Rage Website is the exclusive property of Rage and is protected by South African copyright laws. 
  • Except as stated herein, none of the material may be copied, reproduced, distributed, published, downloaded, displayed, posted or transmitted in any form or by any means, including, but not limited to, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, except as permitted by the fair use privilege under the South African copyright laws or with the prior written permission of Rage or the copyright owner.
  • You may not "mirror" any content contained on the Rage Website on any other server unless with the prior written permission of Rage. 
  • You are granted a limited, revocable, and non-exclusive right to create a hyperlink to the home page of the Rage Website, provided that the link does not portray Rage, its affiliates, or their products or services in a false, misleading, derogatory, or otherwise offensive manner. You may not use any Rage logo or any other proprietary graphic, trade name or trademark whatsoever as part of the link without the express written permission of Rage. 
  • All trademarks and trade name are and shall remain the exclusive property of Rage. 
  • The unauthorized submission, removal, modification, or distribution of copyrighted or other proprietary Content is illegal and could subject you to criminal prosecution as well as to personal liability for damages.



  • Should you breach and of these Terms and Conditions we reserve the right to cancel any Order and/or your website registration, notwithstanding our rights to exercise other legal remedies available to us.



  • These Terms and Conditions and our relationship and/or any dispute arising from or in connection with these Terms and Conditions shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Republic of South Africa. Your continued use of the Rage Website will constitute your consent and submission to the jurisdiction of the South African courts regarding all proceedings, transactions, applications or the like instituted by either party against the other, arising from any of these Terms and Conditions. 
  • In the event of any dispute arising between you and Rage, you hereby consent to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the High Court of the Republic of South Africa notwithstanding that the quantum in the action or proceedings may otherwise fall below the monetary jurisdiction of that court. 
  • Nothing in the Terms and Conditions limits your right to approach any court, tribunal, or forum of competent jurisdiction in terms of the CPA.



  • This website is managed by Rage Distribution Pty Ltd, which is a company registered in South Africa, trading as “Rage” (Registration number 2003/017346/07). 
  • Rage chooses as its domicilium citandi et executandi for all purposes under this agreement whether in respect of court process, notice, or other documents or 26 | P a g e communication of whatsoever nature, 41 Avalon Road, West Lake View, Ext. 11, Modderfontein, Lethabong, Johannesburg, 1609 
  • Telephone Number: +27(0) 11 608 6800! 
  • Online Queries: +27(0) 87 135 5538, 
  • Customer Services: +27(0) 11 608 6800, 
  • Website Address: 
  • Directors: Jeff Gochin, Merle Gochin, Karen Marai

Competition Terms & Conditions


By participating in the competition, you are agreeing to these competition terms and conditions. The competition is being run by Rage Distribution.

Eligibility to Enter

The competition is open to entrants over 18 years of age. Rage Distribution employees and associates are excluded from the draw. The entrants must also reside in South Africa. 

By entering the competition, you confirm that you are eligible to do so and that you are eligible to receive any prizes that may be awarded to you. 

The competition is completely free to enter.

The Prize 

The winning prize will be 1 of 2 R 1 000.00 Rage shopping vouchers.

The prize is non-transferable and non-exchangeable, and no cash alternatives will be provided.

We reserve the right to substitute prizes of equal or greater value if circumstances beyond our control require doing so.

Rage Distribution’s decision on any aspect of the competition is final and binding, and no correspondence will be entered into about it. 

Winner Announcement

The winner will be chosen at random and notified via Instagram direct message sent from the Rage Fashion Instagram account on 19th September 2023. 

Rage Distribution will make two attempts to contact the winner via Instagram direct message.

If the winner does not respond to the direct messages informing them of their win within 48 hours of the Instagram direct message being sent, they forfeit their right to the prize, and Rage Distribution reserves the right to select and notify a new winner.

Delivery of the Prize

The winner will allow 14 days for the prize to be delivered, otherwise alternative collection or delivery arrangements can be made through mutual agreement.

Data Protection and Publicity

You agree that any personal information that you provide when entering the competition will be used by Rage Distribution for the purposes of administering the competition and for the other purposes as specified in our Privacy Policy. 

All entrants may request information on the winning participant by emailing 

In line with the South African POPIA Act, personal details relating to the winner will not be disclosed, only their name and surname and Instagram handle will be shared on social media as part of the winner announcement post on the 19th of September 2023 at 10am.

Limitation of Liability

Rage Distribution accepts no liability for any damage, loss, injury, or disappointment suffered by any entrants as a result of participating in the competition or being selected for a prize. 

General Rage 

Distribution reserves the right, at any time and without prior notice, to cancel the competition or amend these terms and conditions